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A Little Bit About Me

My name is Sarah Boyer, and I’m passionate about improving the lives of others through design and technology. I’m constantly learning and aim to surround myself with creative and inspiring visionaries interested in changing the world for the better.

I was born in Chicago, Illinois, to a hardworking ER nurse and an electrical engineer/inventor(a.ka. mad scientist). I was always interested in computers and art. As a little girl, I would sit quietly for hours, coloring to my heart’s content, and our household always had at least three computers (before owning one computer was common). My favorite childhood memories are of my father taking me to museums downtown. There I gained exposure to interactive exhibits full of sound, color, and tactile experiences that became part of my core memories and initial inspirations. 

Fast forward to 2018, I received my Bachelor’s in Web Design and Interactive Media from the Illinois Institute of Art in Schaumburg, IL. I moved to Dallas from Chicago in 2018 to take a job opportunity where I was able to work on dream projects and wear many hats. I became a bit of a generalist since I enjoy so many types of creative avenues. Eventually, I learned that due to my empathetic nature, love for tech, and yearning to help improve the world and people’s lives, User Experience was where I needed to channel my creative energy.
