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Healthcare Resource Map




This was a group effort between The Virtual Wild & Leidos.


Leidos, an American defense, aviation, information technology, and biomedical research company, asked for help developing a creative way to display their medical capabilities across various industries.

In response to this need, The Healthcare Resource Map was born. It’s a beautiful 3D city housing military bases, mobile clinics, and various leidos-specific buildings that live on a 65″ touchscreen.

Users can click and drag, pinch to move in, and use different hand gestures to navigate the city. Clicking on Purple buildings causes the camera to zoom into the location and bring up important information, images, and videos.


My Responsibilities

  • User Experience Design
  • User Interface Design
  • Motion Design
  • Concepting
  • City Planning
  • Client Asset Organization
  • Asset Preparation for Unity
  • Working closely with 3D & Unity Developer
  • QA Testing

Touchscreen App

Unity WebGl App

Custom 3D Modeling